martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019


I demand my own sect
I want my eyes to be opened by some
uber driver

I need salvation in the form of a light sent to me by a
Sister of mercy
A horse carriage
A whip
I request my peace of mind
Voodoo eyes
All the witchcraft that you can get from the sickening lounge coaches in all the
Wellbeing clinics in the whole fucking western world

I pray for someone who can take away from me the fact that I am
Most probable,
a walking piece of shit,
a coward
a charlatan,
a farce
and tell me that all I need is to HEAL myself

I command you to lead me to another level of conscience
To bright my path
To guide me to enlightenment
And most of all to, please,
Make me forget that probably I am just a neurotic loon that burns out
everybody around me

I solicit my own goddess
My own chatter about self-realization
My personal martyr
My John the Baptist
My drug-of-choice
My saint
My numbness

I crave for it
Take my money, please, take it
Just make me feel good about myself
Just a bit
Trick me into thinking that I am good and not just another
Selfless mega-emotional superficial prick like the girl in Fleabag
Out from a self-help book

I need my own particular temple
My sins
My sacraments
And commandments
My dying souls and my infernos
I wanna be the mindless follower of
a hollow magazine cover divinity
with my white gown and my hymns
and everything

I require you to tell me that the rest of the human beings are the problem
Not me
Never me
Of course not me!

I am hurt
I am fragile
I am Fake

I hurt
I manipulate
And lie

I am just a joke told about the person I need to believe I am

I am lost and lonely and cry alone in my room
At night when I see my own shadow in the wall
just before meditation

Oh fill my mind like crystal
My superior
My ego
I really want to be that shallow

I am forcing you to
Give it to me now

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

sálvese quien pueda

...en los barrios pobres no faltan farmacias,
en los ricos tampoco,
ni casas de apuestas,
ni camellos

ni panaderías orgánicas
garajes privados
clínicas de belleza


La lluvia cae en los descampados
Igual que en los jacuzzi
A la lluvia no le importa

Charcos de barro y cal de las obras
Cuarteles abandonados
Carteles de circo
Conciertos de cumbia
Le da igual

Gripe en latas
Culos enormes
Cerveza de saldo
Ropa de centro comercial
Aspiraciones de piscina y trastero
Pasadizo bajo la autopista
Flores de plástico
Sudor y gritos


bares de chinos
mucho sol y poca sombra
narices rugosas y moradas
los cigarrillos se fuman hasta el final
luces que parpadean
bolsas de plástico en las esquinas meadas

sobres que vuelven a sus dueños
celofán-programas de citas en la televisión-terapias secta en el sofá
el tiempo lo dirá

polvo de azufre
metro hasta las 6
peleas a la salida del pub

votas a los niños ricos con corbatas ridículamente gruesas
zapatos de piel

colchones empapados
elige tu bando
tu camino
tu engaño preferido


ventanas tapadas con papel de periódico
grafitis de encargo
cierres metálicos
postes de electricidad con madera podrida
papel pintado

ilusiones de burguesa,
el ansia de confort crea cicatrices tan profundas y tan
difíciles de cerrar

bla bla bla