jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

hey hey banana banana

My friend Leo & me
We run and laugh when we see each other from afar

We don’t speak one single word
I just bite his soft chubby neck and he opens his mouth
full of tiny white baby teeth
and giggles

Leo & me
We salute each other with growls and chuckles
And spin out until we get sick
(I do feel way more sick and for a longer time)
and then try to hold one another like old friends
after a wedding

My friend Leo & me
We try to communicate the best we can with the world
failing considerably most of the times
(he is way more successful than me also in this matter)
and improvise songs like
hey hey banana banana
when the not so cold, dark, dark night
falls over this arid and somewhat  gloomy disappearing town
in which we both live

We walked hand in hand in silence
Around the market square
Checking out (with huge eyes) the photos on the stands
The beer cans from all over the world
The Chinese red lanterns hanging from the ceiling

I try to help him whenever I can
And sometimes he jumps on my arms
And rests his glowing head in my shoulder
Making me feel like a long lost crestfallen Peter Pan
Hiding in a bunker
with the last member of the Lost Boys Gang

Leo calls me out when I am already walking home
And comes to me driving his wooden pedal less bike
While I stand and wait for him at the gates

When he arrives
he just extends his arm,
I bend,

and he hugs me goodbye
Then he leaves again back to his mother
His little feet not even touching the ground
His blonde head shining under the street lamps in the park
Leaving me breathless
Standing like a drunken fool
Trying to get a hold of what has just happened
And swallowing a deep tide of tears
That make me feel
Out of place and time
Even though I am (almost) 40 years older than him

Fragile like a drained tree leaf
In the winter night
Dissolved in the funnel of the street and the infinite subway

But with the odd sensation that I could die

a smile

on my face